Wildlings Kurrajong Barrina South a triangle of boxes PS Cottier Chancer Sandra Renew the only gaze I have is my gaze Sandra Renew Mornings With You Lawren Wooding The Blue Tree in Lyons Sarah St Vincent Welch Leaves Friend Samantha Faulkner The Gift of Giving Hazel Hall my tree and my heart Hangama Obaidullah Blossoming Gums Andrew Cox Persian Silk Tree Asefeh Abedini In expectation of a cemetery that was never built Penelope Layland Branches Baribun / Dream Samia Goudie Bird Diary S. K. Kelen The Power of Prayer / The Hand of Prayer Lizz Murphy Branching Out Tony Steven Williams Georgian and Inter-War Mediterranean Sentiment Jacqui Malins Mycelial Amanda McLeod Whisperings C E Collins Eucalyptus camaldulensis Jen Webb Chemical blue gum Shehzad Hathi Seeds Kindred Jennifer Kemarre Martiniello Tree as Cosmos Kate McNamara no one ever Robert Verdon The Boabs Judith Nangala Crispin Wita Witalana Paul Collis Red Gum (Eucalyptus Blakelyi) Sue Donnelly Ribbon Bark Tree Kathy Kituai Patchy Shade Audrey McCormick Tree Sarah Rice Lovers Sarah Rice for Pinus radiata tree in Haig Park, Canberra Sarah St Vincent Welch