Wita Witalana

At the tree, he sat, spoke wise
through the wind, hear the message, the tree is signpost.
Be quiet.
Be still.
Hear the message:

Wita Witalana … Wita Witalana
            (Looking out)
    they come, they come
            wita witalana –
Steel Wom-boo.
Axe sounds rang across my Mother’s belly . . .
Watchtower’s fields of love lay slain.
                    no more boomerang from trees
                    no more spears
                    no more Mother’s signpost.

You left axe marks on my Mother, Wom-boo,
– through sacred totem – you cut my heart.
Rainbow Serpent’s tears cannot make the slain grow again.

In towns
it rains, cold
so cold I ache …
because I’m alone,
away from you –

no more boomerang from trees-
no more spears . . .


© Paul Collis, 2021