Baribun / Dream

A dedication to one of my first /Ngala / trees
Ainslie infant’s school, Canberra on Ngunnawal country -1966

Baribun / Dream



Listen, while I tell you a story


You came from seed


Became this meat body later


It was from seed that everything once came


Seed dropped by a passing migratory bird


loosened just at that moment
as wind lifted wings
and turbulence knocked you free
drifting to take root from across oceans onto shore




You were once an apple seed,
spat out from someone as they walked along


Or an acorn bursting free to become you


Seedlings gently laid and nurtured


grown into flesh


All these are kin


first gave me your name


In English




dark bark oozing red-gold resin
scribbled marks
Lichen-etched language
Vascular light filled connection


Your Roots deep
Your arms holding Sky
holding me
wrapped inside your skin


From many lands
I know your name
In so many ways


Silent unspoken songs


I come back to bring you offerings
Wrap my ageing body with your ancient skin


One day I will become your food


I ask an Ngunnawal Elder, what to call you here
She gifts me a name



Baribun – dream (Bundjalung as told to me by family)
Ngala- Tree (gifted by Aunty Caroline Hughes – Garuliiny Ngunnawal -language holder)
© Samia Goudie, 2022