skin dweller
rooted to the very scalp
of sentience
I feel your
throbbing in my
solar plexus
the blood-pulse
in my heart’s
sun spirit
tall rough-barked
syphon drawing
sap to leaf
breath to bedrock
always two-ways
never one-way whitefella
false economy
your wealth can
only be measured
skinship way how
you are
my grandmother
my grandfather
my brother
my sister
how you are
my lungs
my laughter
my serenity
my longevity
how your being
nourishes every
dimension of me
this skin
you your kin
are our true Elders
the truly strong
the truly wise
you were here
before me
your broad-palmed
fingers plucked
wind music from
the sky before I
learned to hear
will paint
water-colour skies
long after my eyes
will see them
your shelters
enshrine the rituals
of our lives
map the orbits
of our immortality like
charted nebulae
© Jennifer Kemarre Martiniello, 2020.